The Utopia School is a temporary free school and social space for sharing information about both failed and successful utopian projects while working towards new ones. We define Utopia as those projects and initiatives which re-imagine the world in some crucial way. The Utopia School takes the form of a people-powered “social center” – a space where people can gather for free and engage in thoughtful discussion and practical skill-shares.

In Fall 2021, the Utopia School will partner with the sustainable farm, educational space and artists residency Habitable Spaces in Kingsbury Texas. Habitable Spaces is interested in the nexus between arts and agriculture and in building local resilience through community. 

Past sessions of the Utopia School can be found here.

We are hosting an OPEN CALL for:

- Classes: online and in-person

- Artists/Scientists/Builders/Chefs/Documentarians/Thinkers-in-residence: to help run the school and teach with us

- Virtual engagement: Engage with the school virtually via instructionals, digital installations, interventions, writings, film screenings, and other possibilities we haven’t thought of yet

- Local engagement: Do you live in the south central Texas area? Local resource sharing is very important to this school. Please join us!

Examples of classes we would like to facilitate:

Health and Wellness -- how to heal through medicinal plants, acupuncture, massage and mental wellbeing.

Homesteading Skills – How to leave the grocery store and the global food system behind. Do you grow or raise your own food, make your own bread and cheese? Ferment your own beverages? If you have a home brewing, baking, fermenting, or pickling skill you would like to share? We want to know about it!

Theoretical – Thoughts and lectures on the future of politics in this country and abroad-- how do we forge a new reality for ourselves and our children?

Practical living skills – do you know how to do small motor repair? how to set up an emergency pet clinic, or emergency first aid?

Please join us!


More Info:

- There is no application fee.

- Housing and food will be provided for residents and teachers, and we are working on subsidizing travel and other costs.

- All classes and programming for the Utopia School will be held outdoors for COVID safety.